
Showing posts from March, 2021


According to Vimal K Sikri's book, Textbook of Operative Dentistry, When attempting to forget the past, it is customary to employ the phrase "the past is a history." But the million-dollar question is, 'Can we forget the past, or should we forget the past?' Winston Churchill's response is appropriate. "The longer you can look back, the farther you can look ahead," he remarked. It is a well-known reality that without knowledge of the past, one cannot completely appraise the challenges of the present. The same is true in dentistry, and more specifically, in Operative Dentistry. In order to inspire the future, the past is remembered here in a humble manner. Because writing was scarce throughout the age of primitive medicine and dentistry, history is unable to chronicle with confidence when and by whom dentistry was first performed. Early attempts in dentistry were undertaken by Europeans and Arabians, who were primarily interested in goldwork prosthesis


Anusavice says in his book, Phillips' Science of Dental Materials, that The overarching purpose of dentistry is to preserve or enhance the dental patient's quality of life. This aim may be met through avoiding illness, reducing discomfort, increasing mastication efficiency, improving speech, and improving attractiveness. Because many of these goals necessitate the replacement or modification of tooth structure, the main challenges for centuries have been the development and selection of biocompatible, long-lasting, direct-filling tooth restoratives and indirectly processed prosthetic materials that can withstand the harsh oral environment. A natural tooth and its supporting bone and soft tissue are shown in a schematic cross-section. Under normal circumstances, the portion of the tooth that protrudes from the neighbouring gingiva tissue is referred to as the clinical crown, and the section that lies underneath the gingiva is referred to as the tooth root. Enamel protects the cr


Prof. Dr. Porus S. Turner, Dr. Ferzin Turner Vazifdar, Dr. Ashdin P. Turner, and Mr. Danesh R. Vazifdar advise in their book, Clinical Guide To Oral Implantology Step By Step Procedures, The purpose of implant treatment is to return a person to normal anatomy, function, aesthetics, comfort, and speech despite bone loss caused by illness or damage to the stomatognathic system. Based on the osseointegration ideas established by Branemark more than 50 years ago, implant dentistry has advanced significantly and has become an essential component of dental rehabilitation. Though it was first designed to treat totally edentulous individuals, it has steadily expanded to include partly edentulous people. Because of the higher risk of pulpal damage, secondary caries, abutment tooth fractures, and periodontal disease, single tooth replacement by implant has surpassed fixed prosthodontics as the most common indication (bridge). Because of considerable developments in bone augmentation treatments,


Reader's Digest states in his book, A Passion For Pasta, that A nutritious diet may help you look nice, feel well, and have plenty of energy. Nutrition fads come and go, but the fundamentals of eating healthily stay constant: Enjoy a variety of meals – no one item includes all of the vitamins, minerals, fibre, and other critical components you need for health and vitality – and find the correct balance by examining the amounts of the various meals you consume. Add in some regular exercise - at least 30 minutes per day, three times per week - and you'll be helping yourself to live well and reach your full potential. References: 1.  A Passion For Pasta  by Reader's Digest 2.  Photo by  Cats Coming  from  Pexels Editor's Note: THE BELOW ARE THE TOP FEW ITEMS, IF YOU HAVE THEM IN YOUR WEBSITE CONTENT, YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO TARGET YOUR CUSTOMERS/AUDIENCES ONLINE ON THE INTERNET EASILY (RESEARCH-BACKED FREE INFORMATION) "When you educate your customers about your products


In her book, Feeding Your Baby & Toddler, Annabel Karmel says, To reduce the danger of illness and allergic reactions and to establish a healthy eating habit, it is preferable to avoid offering your infant the following foods. Sodium chloride Salt should not be added to the meals of babies under a year old since it might discolour their underdeveloped kidneys and cause dehydration. A taste for salt may develop at a young age, and consuming too much salt may contribute to high blood pressure later in life. Smoked foods should also be avoided. Avoid adding sugar to foods unless they are exceedingly sour. Added sugar creates a habit and raises the risk of tooth decay. Whether raw or cooked Eggs that have been lightly cooked To reduce the risk of salmonella illness, cook eggs until the yolk and white are both solid. Cheese that has not been pasteurised Avoid cheeses like Brie and Camembert to reduce your chance of listeria infection. Gluten-Containing Foods Before six months, do not in


                                                                              According to the British Medical Association's Complete Family Health Encyclopedia, Children are always experimenting with items in their surroundings. Small things are commonly placed in their mouths, noses, or ears. As a consequence, ingested or trapped foreign bodies are prevalent. It is best to keep any little things out of children's reach. NOSE AND EAR Attempting to remove a foreign body from the ear might be hazardous due to the possibility of pushing the item further into the ear. A syringe, suction, or forceps are used by the doctor. A doctor may use forceps to remove a foreign body from the nose, or an older youngster may be able to blow it out while the other nostril is closed. THE LUNGS Objects inhaled, such as peanuts or teeth, may get stuck in the bronchi, restricting airflow and leading to pneumonia or lung collapse. Choking, coughing, and trouble breathing are all possible symptoms. Ca


In their book, Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy, G. J. Romanes claims that Dissection of the head and neck should begin with a study of the cervical vertebrae and skull, linking their principal characteristics to the bony points that may be felt. A thorough grasp of these buildings, as well as others that travel through or are connected to them, is required for a thorough comprehension of this area. The short reports that follow should be evaluated in conjunction with the vertebrae and a skull from which the skull-cap has been removed. In order for the different points to be verified. The Vertebrae of the Cervical Spine Cervical vertebrae are seven in number. The third to sixth are conventional, but the first and second have been changed to allow movement of the heart on the neck, and the seventh has some thoracic vertebral characteristics. Each transverse process has a foramen (foramen transversarium). Cervical vertebrae are smaller and more fragile than thoracic and lumba


Shobha Tandon recommends in her book Textbook of Pedodontics that Nature's greatest beneficent creation is the kid. The kid is more than simply a small adult; he or she is a living creature that is constantly changing in mental, physical, and emotional ways. Pedodontics is the discipline of dentistry that is focused with providing complete dental care and treatment to children, making it the most pleasant and fulfilling specialty in dentistry. The paediatric dentist has the honour of starting the kid patient on the path to a lifetime of good dental health. The term pedodontics is composed of two words: pedo + dontics. Pedo is derived from the Greek word "paid," which means "kid," and "dontics" refers to the study of teeth. It has become more difficult to determine the precise limits and limits of pedodontics owing to continual growth and breakthroughs. As a result, it is necessary to recognise how definitions change throughout time. References: 1. TEXT